Thank you for checking back in on the Savvy Teas and Herbs blog. We have the tastiest organic teas and bulk herbs around. Teas are great sources of antioxidants, while many can fight cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and cancer. Organic teas are even better for you because their plants haven’t been treated by pesticides or genetically altered in any way. We have a lot of rich content on our site about the benefits of our organic teas, so we are going to do a blog review series that will bring some informative content from our blogs from last year back to the forefront for you to review. We will post a link and a short excerpt from some our favorite posts, so you don’t have to search around for it. If you would like read beyond the short excerpt that we post with the entry, then all you need to do is click the article link above the excerpt.
The Health Benefits of Different Types of Organic Tea
“Tea has been revered for centuries for it's many health benefits. All throughout history tea has been used as not only a delicious hot beverage but also for it's natural healing properties. The following is a list of different types of organic tea and the health benefits of each: Black- Black tea has the highest caffeine content of any tea. At around 40 mg of caffeine per cup, this is the tea that will help you to wake up and get going.”
If you would like to continue reading about the many benefits of black tea and organic teas in general, please click the title link above.
“Organic tea, just like organic everything else, has become a growing trend all over the world. Just like most things that are organic, you will pay for what you get. Organic tea is not cheap, so you may be wondering what the difference actually is, and why you should buy it.”
To keep reading about the incredible benefits of organic teas, please click the link above the article’s excerpt.