Are you looking to revolutionize your diet to become a happier, healthier individual? You are not alone. Many people have taken a serious look at the foods that they regularly consume in order to find more natural and nutritious alternatives. If this sounds like you then you have come to the right place. At Savvy Teas & Herbs we offer a wide variety of yogurt starter cultures, organic teas, and best of all, bulk herbs!
Natural herbs are a great way to add some flavor to the foods that you love to most, and they can also add a great deal of nutritional value as well. Although we offer a wide variety of herbs, there is one that we are incredibly excited about, chia seeds. Chia seeds are packed with protein, Omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. You get a great deal of nutritional benefits from eating just a single ounce of chia seeds, and it is only 137 calories! This is a superfood that has been linked to weight loss, healthy skin, and even a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
If you are looking to eat a diet that can help you to become a happier, healthier individual, then a great place to start by sprinkling those delicious chia seeds on your morning yogurt or in your favorite juice. Order your chia seeds with us today to enjoy a great deal and free shipping on every order of $75 or more.